Category Archives: For Extra Credit

Pretty Price Check (06.04.10)

The Pretty Price Check: Your Friday round-up of how much we paid for beauty this week

  • 76: The age of beloved Golden Girl Rue McClanahan, who died yesterday. Eat The Damn Cake had a great piece last week about Taking Back the Cute; why women who aren’t tiny, young, and traditionally beautiful should get to act girlish and adorable if they so please (and women who are these things should get to be taken seriously when they want and basically, we should all get to break the rules about how the world thinks we should look and behave whenever we damn well want to!). Blanche got that. And it was pretty trailblazing of her.
  • $2000-$5000: What you’ll pay for dimple implants. (If you’re that kind of rich, will you come pay my mortgage first?) (Via Lemondrop.)
  • Over 10 percent of her income: What the average Iranian woman now spends on cosmetics. (Via BellaSugar, who has a very thoughtful take on the matter.)
  • 4 times: How much longer it takes the average woman to get ready for work on Monday versus Friday. That would be why I’m typing this in my PJs. At noon. Because doing a ton of beauty work before you even get to work-work? Not so much. (If you missed it, check out my series on Beauty Labor for more about why this is; stat via Jezebel.)

New Favorite Blog: (Actually I’ve been liking this one for QUITE awhile) re:Cycling, which is the blog for the Society of Menstrual Research, where the always insightful Elizabeth Kissling takes on the feminine hygiene industry. Hint: It’s a lot like the beauty industry, if this ad that equates moist towelettes for your ladyparts with courage is anything to go by.

Oh and shameless self-promotion time: Tuesday’s Tip Jar got republished over on Jezebel, where it has clocked over 300 comments. A lot of folks think 13 is a pretty legit age for an eyebrow wax and Nine’s parents probably have her best interests at heart. Others are totally skeeved. What do you think? Comment here or there.

[Best of Blanche video via Bitch from YouTube.]


Filed under Beauty Schooled, beauty standards, For Extra Credit, Glossed Over., Pretty Price Check, products, week 28

Pretty Price Check (05.28.10)

The Pretty Price Check: Your Friday round-up of how much we paid for beauty this week.

Photo of Cassie Smith, Hooters Waitress told to lose weight

  • 132 lbs: The weight of this (5’8″) Hooters waitress, who was given a 30-day gym membership and told to drop some pounds by Hooters management. Of course, enforcing weight loss among your employees is pretty questionable no matter what their size but I include her stats for the shock value. If you weren’t already boycotting Hooters on principle, please, let’s start that now. (Via Lemondrop; above photo from same.)
  • 23.8 percent of executive board seats are occupied by women at fashion, beauty and retail brand companies, according to a study commissioned by WWD. The really scary news? This is a way higher percentage than at other kinds of publicly held companies. You know, because these brands are selling girly products, so we’re (sort of) allowed to play. (Via StyleList.)
  • 30 percent of consumers are concerned about the validity of natural and organic claims on beauty products. Can’t imagine where they’re getting that. (Via GCI)

New Favorite Blog: OMG! Have you discovered The Seventeen Magazine Project yet? Jamie Keiles is an 18-year-old high school senior in Eastern PA who is spending 30 days following every bit of advice she can glean from the latest issue of Seventeen and I would really like to be her best friend, not just because I think we have the same hair, but also because she’s been making these awesome pie charts showing how 75 percent of Seventeen‘s advertising is related to Stuff That Makes You Look Better — all the while also dissecting the ramifications of pigtails and ripped sweatshirts.

Speaking of compliments and favorite new blogs… I am loving how yesterday’s cross-post by Eat The Damn Cake’s Kate got everyone all fired up to do some complimenting already. And would like to direct your attention to a prime complimenting opportunity known as The Fresh Reflection. From their Welcome post:

We have decided to make changing the perception of ourselves official. The goal of this blog is to tell each other what WE see. The beauty WE see in YOU. Every day we will post a photo of a woman. Someone we know or don’t know. And then we ask you to leave a comment to tell that woman what YOU see in them. What do YOU think is beautiful about them that they may have missed?

But I warn you now, if you read that blog while playing Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World” (or if you have maybe recently watched the Heathrow airport scenes from Love Actually) you might not stop crying for a week. Oh people. All so f*cking beautiful and we never have any idea about it.

And now, I’m off to enjoy a long weekend, during which I plan to wear absolutely no makeup or hair products and compliment people with wild abandon. I encourage you to do the same!

Back on Tuesday. xo


Filed under Beauty Schooled, beauty standards, For Extra Credit, Glossed Over., Happenings, Pretty Price Check, week 27

Feminist Blog Carnival No. 16: Beauty Edition!


It’s Feminist Blog Carnival day!

I know, you could hardly sleep last night with excitement. (I too could hardly sleep because I was busy reading through the many, many awesome submissions. And also excited.)

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in work. We’ve got a lot of amazing-ness here, so I’m just going to dive right in. Start clicking!

On working in the beauty business:

Karen Greco of BeautyOlogy says dismissing the work of beauty professionals wouldn’t be so easy to do if the industry employed mainly men in Sexism on the Front Lines: A Beautician Bites Back.

Jamie Silberberger of The AFA Blog talks about how to get a more socially responsible mani-pedi in Why We Must Protect Nail Salon Workers From the Toxic Trio.

On accepting your body:

Julie Goodale of Fitness for Survivors on Body Image After Breast Cancer – A Story Of Time, Acceptance, And A Little Exercise.

Look left of the pleiades gets on board with her booty in My arse.

Persephone Pomegranate of Voices of Dissent embraces her body hair in Double Standards – The Issue of Body Hair.

Exercise psychologist Michelle Segar of Essential Steps talks about appreciating what your body can do, not just how it looks in How to EmBODY Gratitude.

On beauty advertising:

Stacy Malkan of Not Just A Pretty Face has a Dear Drew Barrymore letter about that COVERGIRL campaign. (You remember. This one.)

Elizabeth Kissling of Society for Menstrual Cycle Research talks about the Kotex Anti-Ads.

On LGBT beauty:

Melissa Walker of iheartdaily on why it’s cool for a girl to wear a tuxedo and take her girlfriend to prom.

On beauty and consumerism:

this ain’t livin’ dissects teen girls’ shopping power in Look At Those Silly Girls and Their ‘Haul Videos’.

Sarah Burns of Consumer Search keeps us safe from DIY wrinkle removers (yikes!) in Pretty Ugly.

Heather Wood Rudulph of Sirens discusses Is Selling Our Bodies a Last Resort or a First Instinct?

On Jessica Simpson’s The Price of Beauty (Um, you’ll recall, I had strong feelings on this one myself):

Alicia of Peace X Peace is annoyed by the show’s over-simplifications in Confessions of a Not-so-Simple Beauty.

Ms. Blogger Courtney Young gives Jess a Thumbs Down.

Novelist Philana Marie Boles of The LOVE Spot thinks Jessica is taking a step in the right direction (and has some ways to trim your own beauty spending) in Beauty Budget: What’s Yours?

On other beauty/pop culture stuff:

franklyfeminist talks about Lady Gaga’s glamorization of prison in Thanks Lady Gaga for that triumph of misogyny.

A Canadian Lefty in Occupied Land explores Alice’s Gender Journey in Wonderland.

fbomb reassures us that televised gender stereotypes are being enforced on both sides of the pond with  Ladette to Lady: How to be an Acceptable Human Being.

Lina Talks About Writing explores beauty standards in video games in Beauty Trumps All.

On beauty and weddings:

Sara of 2000dollarwedding on finding meaning in your wedding dress (beyond how hot you look) in Postcard #1: The Embroidered Wedding Dress. (Also, if you’re in the thick of wedding/beauty madness right this minute, check out her Letter to the Bride for a delightful dose of sanity.)

Meg of A Practical Wedding had to reconcile being a feminist and wanting to get her hair and makeup done. Don’t worry, it all works out.

And now, off-topic, but just so you know what else feminists are up to these days:

Fannie’s Room talks about how the gay rights movement is throwing reproductive rights under the bus in The Oppressed Gay Male Oppressor.

Mad Kane’s Political Madness offers a great limerick about the Christian Domestic Discipline marriages (that’s where God tells you to beat your wife) with Religion Hits Bottoms.

Yes Means Yes Blog discusses Affirmative Consent As Legal Standard?

Cynthia Bateman of Blog About It explains why Women In Combat should happen.

LonerGrrrl hates being The Office Housewife.

Thanks for joining me for this edition of the Feminist Carnival! If you loved it (of course you did) be sure to submit to the next edition of the carnival here. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

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Filed under Beauty Schooled, For Extra Credit, week 20

Trade Schools Scam Students and Taxpayers Like You.

Manhattan Trade School for Girls Photo

In case you missed it, the New York Timesfront page story yesterday was all about how for-profit trade schools are raking in beaucoup bucks in tuition right now, taking advantage of desperate-for-work students and federal financial aid programs alike:

But the profits have come at substantial taxpayer expense while often delivering dubious benefits to students, according to academics and advocates for greater oversight of financial aid. Critics say many schools exaggerate the value of their degree programs, selling young people on dreams of middle-class wages while setting them up for default on untenable debts, low-wage work and a struggle to avoid poverty. And the schools are harvesting growing federal student aid dollars, including Pell grants awarded to low-income students.

The article focuses mainly on schools that want to train you for food service, auto mechanics, health care, computers and electronics, probably because tuition for those kinds of programs can run you upwards of $30-40K, while beauty school is more in the neighborhood of $5-$15K. (Beauty U costs $8500 – $12,000, plus a slew of little extras like aprons, black clothes, products, and “advanced training” classes that are constantly being advertised at $95-$150 a pop.)

But I think we can all agree that even $8-12K is debt you don’t want to be carrying around when your expected income after graduation is $18-32K per year — if you can get a job at all. (Estimates vary widely, but I use the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ data, which ballparks salon workers’ before tax salaries at $9-15 per hour.) A lot of my Beauty U classmates are worrying about the debt they’re racking up and whether it’s going to be worth it. “I’m at the point where I can’t believe I got a loan for this,” says Meg after the now slightly infamous water bottle thing. “It doesn’t feel like they’re preparing us for anything.”

Of course, the for-profit trade school industry argues that it’s providing an indispensable service, helping the working poor realize their middle-class dreams and creating opportunities for professional growth for “career changers” or other recession casualties. When I interviewed at Beauty State, the owner talked a blue streak about how this would be a better investment than my fancy bachelor’s degree from a private university. And Mr G, the owner of Beauty U, loves to paint word pictures about our anticipated success.

And here’s another trick that the NYT story forgot to mention: Extra hour charges. Since most of these programs require you to complete X number of hours in order to sit for the state board exam (I’m working my way through 600), trade schools assign you a graduation date when you enroll. On paper, this makes sense. You want to get through your 600 hours as quickly as possible, so having August 16, 2010 marked on your calendar gives you a reason to get up every morning. But then comes the catch. If you don’t finish all your hours by that set date, the school gets to charge you by the hour to finish them up afterwards. Which means if you miss a couple of nights (to move house, take care of a sick kid, cope with a death in the family, whatever), you have to make the time up as quickly as possible to avoid getting charged later.

Is anyone surprised to hear that Beauty U has extremely strict rules about when you’re allowed to make up those hours? Or that their “make-up hours” fall exclusively during weekday business hours, which makes it nearly impossible for night students (who are attending school at night precisely so they can go to paying jobs during the day) to ever catch up? We’re stuck choosing between losing income now by missing work, or paying Beauty U later.

But I am encouraged to hear that Obama administration is taking notice of these issues. From yesterday’s article:

Concerned about aggressive marketing practices, the Obama administration is toughening rules that restrict institutions that receive federal student aid from paying their admissions recruiters on the basis of enrollment numbers.

The administration is also tightening regulations to ensure that vocational schools that receive aid dollars prepare students for “gainful employment.” Under a proposal being floated by the Department of Education, programs would be barred from loading students with more debt than justified by the likely salaries of the jobs they would pursue.

Yes. More of that, please.

[Photo of the Manhattan Trade School for Girls, which offered year-long training programs for women headed into the garment industry circa 1890-1930.]


Filed under Beauty Schooled, Career Opportunities, For Extra Credit, Government Watch, In Class, week 18

Mad Men and Barbie: A Marketing Love Story

Mad Men Barbie photo

Consider today’s post a public service announcement for women’s studies majors everywhere: I have your senior thesis topic!

Today’s New York Times is reporting that Mattel will be releasing a set of collector’s edition (read: $74.98 a pop) Mad Men Barbie Dolls this summer.

Mattel is all about the brand synergy: The first Barbie came out in March 1959; the first episode of Mad Men was set in March 1960. But let’s talk about the brand irony: Betty Draper, the beautiful-yet-dead-inside Stepford wife as a Barbie doll? Well, yes, I think we knew that. So is literally marketing her as a Barbie doll a way of acknowledging Mattel’s 51 years of sexism? Or will it just encourage little girls (who are probably not DVR-ing the show and parsing its every nuance) to think they have to look just like January Jones to land a hottie like Jon Hamm?

Also, is it just me, or did they shave down the curves on Barbie Joan? Um, kind of a lot?

Mad Men Joan Holloway Photo

Ugh. Type, women’s studies majors, type as fast as you possibly can!

[Barbie photos via the New York Times; Joan Holloway photo cropped from Jewelry Gal Blog.]


Filed under beauty standards, For Extra Credit, week 17

The Other Kind of Brazilian Beauty.

Last week, I had my first brush with a Brazilian bikini wax. Well, let’s face it, I just overheard other people learning how to do one and I pretty much broke out in hives — but don’t worry, my turn to wield the wax is coming up in a few weeks, and you’ll get every gory detail.

But this experience reminded me that when it comes to beauty standards, Brazil is known for a lot more than its disdain for body hair. My friend Melissa of I Heart Daily, was in Rio de Janeiro a couple of weeks ago to cover their Fashion Week and sent me a handful of runway beauty shots so insane, I obviously had to share them with you all.

Runway fashion is so odd and other worldly, I have a hard time getting it to fit with the kinds of beauty standards (be skinny/free of all body hair and pores) that I’m learning to enforce over at Beauty U and that we more generally encounter from the fashion industry. Is this art? Cracked-out designers grasping at straws to get attention for their clothing lines? How to reconcile the above versions of beauty with the pressure these models face to stay clothes-hanger-skinny?

I’m still digging out from under over here (we just moved house, hence the BSP radio silence* over the past few days!) so I’m going to let these pictures say thousands of words… and encourage you all to provide a caption for your favorite (or weigh in on any of my musings above) in the comments.

*Never fear. I’ll be back up to usual blogging speed later this week — and have oh so much beauty school news to report. Stay tuned!


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Filed under For Extra Credit, Happenings, week 14

Pretty Price Check and Beauty Schooled on Feminist Blogs! (02.01.10)

Why did Rainbow Brite need to grow up and get Barbie-fied? Find out at Feministing, one of many great blogs in the Feminist Blogs network.

Big news, sports fans!

I’m so pleased to announce that Beauty Schooled is going into syndication, joining the ranks of Feministing,, Gender Across Borders and tons of other provocative, inspiring, and hilarious blogs on the mega-blogging network Feminist Blogs: Independent alternatives to the malestream media.

Current Beauty Schooled readers, don’t fret now: Posts will be published simultaneously on the Feminist Blogs feed and here on, in your inbox (if you’ve subscribed via email), or in your blog reader of choice if you’ve subscribed that way. (Hey, if you haven’t — click here to subscribe now and thanks a whole bunch for doing that.) But do click on over to to explore all my neighboring bloggers there. And, if supporting independent journalism is your cup of tea, please make a donation, because us feminist bloggers rely heavily on the support of viewers like you.

New readers and fellow feminist bloggers who are just discovering Beauty Schooled: Hi there! You can find out what I’m up to here, catch up with school news here.

Or, just keep reading this post for The Pretty Price Check, your Friday (sometimes Monday) round-up of how much we paid for beauty last week:

  • 40 pounds in 4 months: How Christina Aguilera got her body back post-pregnancy, as the baby weight craze gathers steam. Jezebel and Daily Beast explain why this trend sucks.
  • $485: What you’ll pay for a session of skin needling, aka having a spike-covered roller run over your face to stimulate collagen production and make you look younger. Angelina Jolie is a fan, but let’s not use her as our model of good decision-making, okay? (Via tough-as-nails Beauty Counter, who says the pain is worth the gain.)
  • $1.9 billion: A rough estimate of how much boys (yes, boys) aged 8 to 19 spend on grooming products, a trend that’s going way beyond Axe Body Spray, as explored in yesterday’s New York Times story. Sounds like Dove will have their finger on the pulse when they release their first Real Beauty ad targeted at men during the Superbowl this Sunday. (I remain on the fence about whether these ads are part of the problem or the solution.)
  • $588: How much the average American (read, those of us who eschew skin needling and try to keep our kids off Axe) spends on personal care products and services each year, according to The Simple Dollar, who has a bunch of good tips on how you can get away with spend even less.

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Filed under Beauty Schooled, beauty standards, For Extra Credit, Glossed Over., Pretty Price Check, products

Spas — the New Harems?

Hey, remember last week, when I was talking about the weird prostitute vibe that comes up when a female esthetician works on a male client? A new women-only spa is opening in Marrakesh, calling itself Harem. Here, a few tidbits from their press release:

The Harem is a sanctuary for women who yearn for – and appreciate – escapism at its most glorious and unapologetically indulgent and utterly free of self-consciousness.

This is a week of not having to make any wardrobe decisions – each guest is given a djellaba and babouches for the duration of their stay.

Clients are women of all ages who rarely have the time to really take care of themselves, and relish the experience, rather than feeling guilty for putting themselves first.  They are women, who come from various walks and stages of life, whether they have pursued a career, have finished their studies, have raised a family, with a household to run, and often all of these combined.  Some are recuperating from medical treatment.  One thing they all have in common, is that they appreciate luxury, understand how vital it is in this life of ours to be pampered, want to be reminded what it feels like to be feminine, are looking to rediscover their sensuality and are striving to define who they are and what it is they need in order to live a more balanced, fruitful and healthier life.

Another thing these women all have in common is at least 2,500 Euros (starting price for seven days of “pure luxury and utter indulgence,” plus a shared room) and a planet ticket to Morocco.

More to the point: Being mostly familiar with the colloquial understanding of “harem” as “pretty darn close to a brothel,” I did a little Googling for our edification. At its most basic, a harem is a Turkish/Arabic word meaning “forbidden space,” and refers to the women’s quarters in a Muslim household. The term dates from the Ottoman Empire, when the wives, concubines, and children of royal and noblemen lived together in harems. I’m sure there’s a feminist defense to be made of these “sacred female spaces,” but I’m having a hard time getting there since life in a harem seems to also involve following a lot of rules about when and how you’re allowed to go into public, sharing your husband with a bunch of other women, and having your daughters married off into other harems at oh, age 13.

At this shiny new Harem, Dutch founder Sandra Zwollo has committed to donating 80 percent of her net profits (after paying staff and expenses) to Dar Tifl, a local orphanage for girls. She’s even started a special fund “to help these girls furnish a small apartment with their basic needs thus providing them with a better chance of success in their careers.” You know, so they too can grow up to work in a harem.

Filing this one under “good intentions, sloppy on the dismount.”

(Thanks to Notes to Self for this gem.)

[Photo: “Egyptian women of the harem at the dressmaker,” 1900-1919, via George Eastman House on Flickr.]

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Filed under Beauty Schooled, For Extra Credit, week 9

Men Don’t Hate Makeup. (Just Maybe Some Women.)

My 600-hour adventure in esthetics school. Read about the project or catch up if you’re behind on the reading.

Everyone is in a flutter about this new survey by the Daily Mail, which found that 1 in 5 men with their partner would tone down the makeup, while 1 in 10 guys want women to give up the face crack altogether. Oh, how enlightened they must be, celebrating the true warts-and-all beauty of women, right?

Sigh, but so wrong. Sadie over on Jezebel gets it right:

I’ll just say it once: men don’t “hate” makeup. Men don’t know what makeup looks like. Maybe they don’t like Tammy Faye Baker maquillage, but guess what: neither do we. […] The notion of cosmetics becomes problematic when people feel unworthy without them, when a woman feels a need to hide or disguise or change. But by the same token, it’s a very unfair standard to demand that women be “naturally” beautiful – as beautiful as a youthful princess gifted in the cradle – without their aid.

As I’ve been mulling over where we are with beauty standards these days, I keep coming back to my friend/fellow student Sue, who won’t go to the grocery store without her full face on. Now I’ve seen her without makeup and hand on heart, she’s perfectly lovely. A few more blemishes, sure, some under-eye circles. But you know, lovely. In a human way. Once she puts her makeup on, she’s still lovely, but also a bit plastic. Her skin takes on a golden tone that’s just not found in nature, even though she’s aiming for the “natural” beauty that the men in this survey said they like, without realizing just how much makeup it takes to achieve that kind of natural perfection.

So maybe they don’t get makeup. (And I know I’m generalizing here, but I’ve had more than one guy admit they’ve slacked on reading this very blog because the world of makeup frightens them so. “I still hold that what M. is doing in the bathroom before we go to dinner constitutes some unknowable Girl Magic,” says my friend K. of his girlfriend’s beauty routine.) But — twist! Miss Jenny says that her spa clientele is now 50 percent dudes coming in for facials, waxing and body treatments. “And they’re from all walks of life,” she reports. “Military men, businessmen, doctors. Not just your metrosexuals and such.”

Miss Jenny says she does modify her services for men: “I’ll do a hand massage, but I don’t really touch their shoulders or upper body. There’s just something about a female working on a male like that, it doesn’t work for me.”

She’s got good reason. And Miss Stacy reports that the Beauty U day students are dealing with a regular male client who comes in for body treatments and requests special attention on his upper thighs, claiming he’s a cyclist and bike shorts cause a lot of chafing. “He ends up sitting frog style on the table without any pants and it’s like, what do you think you’re here for?” says Miss Stacy. She and Miss Lisa insist on standing in the room while the students work on him.

There’s a clear consensus, but nobody wants to say it outright: Performing a spa service on a half-naked man makes you feel a little bit like a prostitute. Is that fair? Maybe not. I’m sure there are plenty of guys who just enjoy a good salt scrub and aren’t thinking about what would happen if they slipped their esthetician a Benjamin. And saying that these kinds of treatments are for women only just reinforces all the gendered beauty standards that have men so confused about makeup and women like Sue terrified to be seen in public without eyeliner.

But when he leaves your tip on the table beside the facial bed, I’m not sure how you’re supposed to avoid the Pretty Woman comparisons.

So guys: I’d love to hear from you on this. Is the world of makeup still so befuddling in this tell-all information age? What are you afraid of? And what the heck is going through your head when you go to a spa?

[Dating advice photos, circa 1938, from over here.]


Filed under Beauty Schooled, For Extra Credit, In Class, Makeup, week 9

It’s Time for a New Beauty Backlash.

Beauty U goes on winter break tomorrow, so I’m gearing up to take the next 12 days off from blogging for Christmas, New Year’s, and the plentiful eating of real chocolate. It’s all good — we’re gearing up for advanced facials after break, and my skin needs some rebound time after a class effort to extract every comedone (that’s spa speak for pimple) currently erupting on my face.

But before I go ice my face, I’d like to direct your attention to “The Beauty Standards Backlash,” Amanda Marcotte’s fantastic post over on Double X. She argues that our culture’s current obsession with Brazilians and Botox (and pore excavation and everything else I’ve been obsessing over here for the last two months) is a backlash against the feminist movement:

Those of us who came of age in the ’90s apparently grew up in a feminist paradise in which you could totally be considered hot while not being on the brink of starvation. Body hair was only considered a problem if directly visible (and even then, armpit hair made a small comeback), comfortable clothes were the norm, make-up was applied sparingly and for artfulness rather than deceit, and natural hair became completely normal. The slovenliness of the grunge era has given way to sharp dressing, but it’s still done with a minimum of discomfort. And I swear to you that by applying a relaxed beauty norm, we were able to train the men of my generation to be sexually aroused by women who didn’t need to show suffering for beauty. Indeed, many men I know in their 30s and 40s recoil at the idea of finding waxed anorexics with plastic parts to be sexier than someone unafraid to wear a pair of sneakers on the right occasion. Or perhaps they’re flattering me for reasons I don’t understand, though their choices in partners tend to uphold their claims.

All of which tells me that we’re in a backlash period, much like the 80s as described by Susan Faludi. Which means that the oppressive beauty standards are a response to feminism, but also that we don’t have to give up hope.

Remembering the 1990s as a “feminist paradise” might be a bit of a stretch (water bras, Biore strips, the flip side of grunge being Kate Moss skinny/heroin chic), but you need only compare the original cast of 90210 (which first aired in 1990) with the remake to see Marcotte’s point. It’s not just the lack of mom jeans — thighs and eyebrows alike have been downsized.

You can try to make the case that we’ve come so far with women’s rights that it’s the CW Network’s prerogative to shrink their starlets or not — and fluffy window dressing issues like these shouldn’t play into the real problems, like equal pay, and how many women we’ve elected to public office. In fact, I’m sure there are some people running around calling themselves feminists (or more likely, prone to starting sentences with the phrase, “I’m no feminist, but…”) who see it as a sign of progress that a former beauty pageant queen can finally be a serious candidate for the vice-presidency.

But I agree with American Prospect writer Michelle Goldberg, who says the message Sarah Palin and friends really send is “it’s fine for women to do everything men do — as long as they stay skinny, sexy, young, and soignée at the same time.” That double standard is alive, well, and on a diet. And what’s really interesting about the current anti-feminism backlash and the ever-more-absurd beauty standards it promotes is that We. All. Know. This.

We (the media, blogs, people at dinner tables and water coolers everywhere) talk about how crazy beauty makes us all the damn time. I almost didn’t post those then/now photos of the 90210 casts because I thought, “gee whiz, everyone from Us Weekly to Oprah talked about that last year when the show first aired.” But then I realized: We got in a lather, and absolutely nothing happened. We’ve convinced ourselves that these extreme beauty norms can’t be all that dangerous because we’ve gotten so good at identifying them all around us. What we’re ignoring is how we’re sort of accepting them at the same time.

And that means pretty soon we won’t be shocked or scandalized by the onslaught of “waxed anorexics with plastic parts.” They’ll just be normal.

Unless: We do more than just talk about it. Marcotte says that we can fight oppressive beauty standards by doing less: “I’m trying to do my part—by refusing to dye my hair even as it turns gray—and what’s awesome is this rebellion is the easiest in the world. How often do you get to rebel by creating more leisure time for yourself?”

But if you want to take it a step beyond easy, it starts with asking hard questions about our own notions of beauty, as we’re trying to do here. Then we need more boycotts when brands like Ralph Lauren screw up. And, we need the environmental movement to join forces with women in a way that doesn’t involve us taking our clothes off and does push beauty companies to make safer products. Maybe we don’t need to go cold turkey on facials or even bikini waxes, but we do need to think a little more critically about why we think we need them.

I’m just saying, it would be nice if this next decade doesn’t end with us waxing nostalgic for 2009 as that more innocent time when that ever-shrinking 90210 cast was at least worth mentioning.

PS. Just in case you’re thinking, “oh the aughts weren’t SO bad for beauty,” check out BellaSugar’s Trends of the 2000s gallery. Trout pout? Celebrating extensions? For serious, people.

PPS. Another great take on this backlash/epidemic by DoubleX’s Claire Gordon.

See you back here in 2010!


Filed under Beauty Labor, beauty standards, For Extra Credit, week 8